Well known personnalities in the diving community
You can find here the names and photos of Very Important Personnalities with whom we have shared highly priviledge moments experiences, passion and happiness.
Monarch: His Royal Highness King Karl Gustave of Sweden
Great names of the ding community:
Late Mr. et Mrs. Albert Falco (Captain of the ship Calypso)
Jean-Michel and Nancy Cousteau (Ocean's Futures - J-M. Cousteau ex- Member of the Calypso and son of late Commandant J.Y Cousteau)
Michel Metteri (Member of Calypso)
André Laban (Member of Calypso)
Jacques Mayol (free diving World record holder)
Achille Ferrero (CMAS President)
Late Pierre Dernier (General secretary of CMAS)
Francis Himbert (ex-Président of French diving Federation FFESSM)
Jo Virens (President of technical Committee of French Diving federation FFESSM)
Jean Escale (Vice President FFESSM)
Pierre Frola ( 1999 to 2005 World record holder of Free diving)
Cineastes et réalisateurs/ Acteurs /Événements
Eli Chouraki (Film Director)
Daniel Mercier (Organisor of Festival International de l'image sous marine)
Francis Le Guen (TV documentary presentator - Carnets de Plongée)
René Heuzey (film director and underwater cameraman)
Remi Tezier (Film Director)
Jean Reno (Actor)
Catherine Deneuve (Actress)
Jacques Ferdinand Perrin (Technicien et Opérateur Film "Océan")
Bob Cranston (Cameraman National Geographic)
Mariane Cramer (Realisatrice, ADN, France 2)
Underwater Known Photographers / reporters
Frederic Di Méglio (World champion)
Andre et Martine Ruoppollo
Laurent and Magaly Bêche (Réunion France Vice World Champion)
Marc Debatty (Gold medal)
Lionel Pozzoli (Reporter, Gold medalist, ex President of Photo commission of CMAS)
Ariel Fuch (Redactor of diving Magazine, Gold Medalist)
Henri Eskenazi (Reporter)
José luis Gonzalez (World champion Photo sub)
Bohumir Krachmar (Gold medalist)
Ian Lyska (Gold medalist)
Roman Kabelik (Gold medalist)
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